Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management

This course designed to provide students with an understanding of the managerial, decision making and leadership aspects of the industry. In addition, it is also designed to developed independent research and study skills required when working at the senior manager level in the industry. It is therefore an excellent preparation for either entry to the workplace or as a spring broad into final year Bachelor degree level study. Assessment is via a combination of closed book written examination or assignment/work assessment. All assessments are marked or moderated by CTH. Advanced Diploma graduates have access to a range of university final year degree programme, not just in Myanmar but internationally.

Programme Structure
Programme Intakes Duration
Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management February 6 months + Internship 3 to 6 months
Programme Outline

University Pathways

Social Links

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Da 10/17 , Corner of 64A street & 39A street,
Mahar Aung Myay Townships

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09- 9797 22225

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